Sports Mouth Guards

Sports mouth guards are used to protect the teeth from excessive force during contact sports. The mouth guard also protects your head and brain by cushioning blows that hit the lower jaw making a concussion less likely.

A well-made, quality product will stay firmly in place while wearing it which is important for absorbing impacts on both top and bottom rows of teeth!

Bruxism Guard

Bruxism is a chronic condition characterized by grinding or clenching of the teeth. Bruxism usually occurs during sleep, but can also occur during waking hours. A number of serious conditions can arise from bruxism, including broken teeth, loss of enamel, receding gums, neck pain, jaw pain, headaches and temporomandibular joint disorders.

Mouth guards are meant to minimize the risk of injuries to your:

Tongue | Lips | Gums | Jaw | Face | Teeth

They typically cover your upper teeth and help protect the soft tissues of your lips, tongue in cheek lining. Since your top teeth stick out more, they may take the impact of trauma. Your bottom teeth are further back, so they have more built-in protection than your two front teeth.

Night Guard

The most recommended method for treating teeth grinding and clenching is to wear a night guard. Dental night guards are designed to cover the upper or lower teeth and work to prevent tooth damage due to clenching and grinding.

Benefits of Using a Night Guard

A night guard provides the best protection against nighttime bruxism. The night guard assists in providing protection from damage due to both grinding as well as clenching. It is designed with opposing grooves as well, to help secure a natural resting bite and reduce damage as much as possible as you sleep.

  • Prevents tooth damage 
  • Prevents TMJ dysfunction
  • Provides pain relief from tension
  • Reduces headaches
  • Improves the quality of sleep
  • Prevents damage to crowns

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