Black Triangle Closure with BioClear System

Black triangle teeth is a term used to describe the appearance of a gap at the gum line between teeth. The gap appears because it is no longer filled with gum tissue. This can make a person look older and may even look like decay from a distance. The gaps are food traps and can impact oral health. 

Black triangle teeth occur when a gap forms between teeth along the gum line. When the space between two teeth is not filled by gum tissue, a dark triangular opening appears between the gums and teeth.

Many adults are bothered by black triangles between teeth because they make them look older and create a potential health risk. The proper term is ‘gingival embrasures,’ a condition experienced by one-third of all adults.

Fix Black Triangle Between Teeth

Bioclear method uses specially shaped matrix bends and warm tooth-colored composite material to close the dark spaces between teeth and gums, to get the most ideal/natural outcome.

Black triangle teeth bonding with BioClear Matrix is a minimally invasive procedure that will result in a healthy and natural-looking smile.

Advantages of BioClear Teeth Bonding Technique

At Marina District Dentistry, eliminate the gaps in your teeth for better oral health using the latest teeth bonding technique.

Advantages of using BioClear:

  • Reasonable cost of care, far less expensive than veneers
  • Conservative approach; non-invasive, no dental drill needed
  • Biocompatible materials that look and feel just like natural tooth enamel

What is the Cause of Black Triangles Between Teeth?

There are a few reasons that black triangles appear. It may be due to the shape of your teeth. If your teeth take on a triangle shape, when they meet at the chewing surface, an empty space near the gum line creates a gap between the teeth. 

A common cause of black triangles is gum recession caused by gum disease or other bite-related problems. Untreated, they become more prominent over time. 

Innovative dentistry developed BioClear, designed to repair black triangles, restore smile appearance, and improve oral health. With BioClear, black triangles are closed, preventing excessive plaque build-up, protecting your health, and enhancing your smile.

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